Monday, November 17, 2008

english vs others languages

almost everybody can talk english. but why? a few years ago everybody was peaking any other language then english.
now, everyone speak this language. a lot of people prefer to talk english in stead of other international languages like french, german, russian and others. but in same time in countries like Ireland they renounce at their own language and speak english. i saw a litle guy that told me that he knows more polish then irish, even he was in Ireland. Is a good thing to know a laguage that can connect as more then Nokia, but shall we renounce at our native language?
As many language known better for yourself. It's not a burden on your shoulders, but how can i say something to somebody and made myself understood only by that person.
I speak now English, Russian, Romanian and I learn French.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

across Ireland

azi fiind Duminica, toata lumea s-a plictisit si evident toata lumea a vrut ceva special.deci, evident am facut ceva.:) Ne-am suit in masina si am plecat intr-un port din zona. ocazie buna sa cunosti o parte noua a lumii.:) vezi lumea care pleaca acasa cu feribotul, marinarii care muncesc pe pescadoare si mai vezi cativa insi pusi in acel decor ca nishte nuci pe pereti.
am facut ceva poze, si am vazut acolo oameni care vorbesc in engleza, dar daca ii imparti slabe sanse sa gasesti pe cineva a carui limba nativa sa fie engleza. limbile ar fi foarte diferite, dar ar fi si cativa fii de englezi.
In toata Irlanda verde, in Conamara, e o parte ce seamana cu Palestina, fara pamant, fara vreo posibilitate de a face agricultura, fara apa, pietre peste tot si iarba rosie. Mi-am adus aminte de Gaza, daca as fi eu presedintele Israelului ii faceam pe palestinieni sa renunte la independenta fara razboi.:>
In port mi-am adus aminte insa si de Polarele care stau in portul Tulcea. Vapoarele acelea aratau cu mult mai bine decat pescadoarele de aici, dar evident ca in Tara lui Papura Voda lumea s-a gandit cum sa adune cativa oameni destepti nishte bani, asa ca au hotarat sa le lase sa stea fara sa produca.
Dupa cum a zis stimabilul Domnul Petre Roman "Decat sa exportam peste, mai bine importam". Intr-adevar dumnealui isi permite sa cumpere peste importat dar cati dintre oamenii normali isi permit sa cumpere peste importat?
Irlanda cu cativa ani in urma era sub nivelul Romaniei dar pentru ca nu toata lumea este egoista, unii s-au gandit si la binele tarii in care locuiesc, rezultatul fiind simplu, Irlanda e cu mult peste nivelul Romaniei.
Invatati oamenii tineri sa fie altruisti, si indemnatii sa faca ceva pentru cei de langa ei. "Să veghem unii asupra altora, ca să ne îndemnăm la dragoste şi la fapte bune." Evrei 10:24
Colac peste pupaza, a fost o plimbare interesanta pe coasta de vest a Irlandei.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

new chapter of my life

About four months ago, we,me and my brother paked our bags, booked a flight and with some help from friends, Andrei Iacob and from Our God, obviously, we left Romania and came to Ireland.
There we saw something different, new people, new big city life instead of my village with traffic lights:), and a lot of other different things:>.
Ireland is nice, beautiful and whatever but as an Irish proverb says "make new friends but don't forget your old friends. silver is one, gold is another", I miss JUST my friends. I hope in future I will have more time to chat with you via phone, messenger, mail, e-mail or, who knows?, maybe face to face.
For those who are worried for me: I am alright, everything is fine for me.