I was starting to feel low for a while now for not fitting in any perfect employee pattern, but guess what?! I am supposed to be like that! This is me! I'm not like the others, I was different from the beginning, I was going from church to church, from religion to religion. I was making it pretty much from top to top almost all the time, and guess what. Regardless the denomination they all the same. But I bet that many that are in there for years don't know as much as I do. Well I love the individuals, they all cool. They are all different somehow, but all special.
Anyway it seems that is natural for some of us to have summer sessions, to fail exams, and hate to do accounting assignments. That's OK for some of us. Maybe we're just not made to be students, but we are supposed to be ENTREPRENEURS!
I remember myself making money out of food industry! I was selling fish since I was smaller than the bags I was carrying. I was stealing from farms and selling in the city. I was getting homework from others, but I was managing to pull it through. I was offering protection(I never got paid for it, bad business). I didn't have someone to tech me about it so I got scammed, but is all right, I'll be back to the top. Any way I want to share with you entrepreneur hearted two videos regarding the entrepreneurship and social-enterprising.
And as Diana said once: When everyone tells you that's impossible just turn around and say 'Watch me!'
Friday, December 30, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
since there is no place to go... let it snow!
this past few days, it's been a hectic time, up and down, here and there, out and about, but in the same time nothing is happening. Out of all this things, I realized how small is the world, and how small Ireland is. I knew people that for 3 and 2 years, and i never knew that they are related. Quite weird, but I finally found out, over the side talk at a party.
I am a quite weird person or maybe, is not my type of party, or maybe it was that I had too much of responsibilities at that party, but I felt like it was too much for me. In fairness, I'd like to be able to attend a party where I have nothing to do but to enjoy myself, annoy the organizers and dance with the lights on.
Anyway, that is beyond the point I just want to wish ye this:
Merry Christmas!
Si pt ca e Craciun un colind aici!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Manele! Dar ce este in spatele lor?
Orice roaker borat stie o manea. This is a given. Nu ai cum sa traiesti in Romania, si sa nu auzi o manea. Daca nu stii manelele lui Sorinel, manele lui Guta, ale lui Salam, a Copilului de Aur, sigur stii Of Viata Mea - Costi Ionita si Adrian Minune. Asa ca sa nu aud ca nu asculta lumea manele. Toata lumea asculta.
O manea care se asculta foarte mult a fost a lui Florinel si Ioana Te iubesc oriunde ai fi, a avut mare succes si era in toate boxele, si ringtonurile de pe atunci. Dar de atunci nu prea tin minte sa fi scos ceva cu succes. Si chiar ma intrebam ce se intamplase cu ei. Si cand te intrebi ce se intampla cu cineva pe care il stii de obicei dai un pic pe Google, si vezi care este smekeria. E bun numa ca astia doi au o problema. Ii cheama Ioana si Florinel. Ei nu au nume de familie, nu au porecla care sa se adauge la numele lor nu au nici un punc de referinta, iar ca chestie Doamne cati Florini si Ioane sunt. Nici macar cei de la evidenta populatie nu stiu. Ei nu pot baga datele pe care le au intr-o pagina excel si sa le numere. Ei trebuie sa faca recensamant.(da asta e un alt topic).
Revenind la povestea noastra mi-am dat seama ca oamenii astia au disparut de pe net. Nu poti gasi nici biografie, nici fan club, nimic. Am cautat atunci Denisa, dar asta e un nume nu chiar asa de comun si am gasit o biografie, succinta intr-adevar, dar e o biografie.
Cu toate astea Respect pt Bursuc, impresar, el face cate o biografie artistilor sai. De exemplu Laura Vass, Bursuc a iesit si a dat un interviu macar numoare lumea proasta si stie ca nu trebuie sa mai astepte manele frumoase cantate de vocea ei suava.
Doavada faptului ca romanii nu au loialitate, ei nu au conceptul de fan club pt manelisti. Sa curga banul! Curge - existi, nu curge - n-ai valoare, ce mai conteaza. E pacat ca de multe ori in loc sa traim o simfonie, traim o manea, si cum s-au terminat dedicatiile am uitat cine ni le-a facut.
Iar cat despre mine, personal, mie imi place De-as putea
O manea care se asculta foarte mult a fost a lui Florinel si Ioana Te iubesc oriunde ai fi, a avut mare succes si era in toate boxele, si ringtonurile de pe atunci. Dar de atunci nu prea tin minte sa fi scos ceva cu succes. Si chiar ma intrebam ce se intamplase cu ei. Si cand te intrebi ce se intampla cu cineva pe care il stii de obicei dai un pic pe Google, si vezi care este smekeria. E bun numa ca astia doi au o problema. Ii cheama Ioana si Florinel. Ei nu au nume de familie, nu au porecla care sa se adauge la numele lor nu au nici un punc de referinta, iar ca chestie Doamne cati Florini si Ioane sunt. Nici macar cei de la evidenta populatie nu stiu. Ei nu pot baga datele pe care le au intr-o pagina excel si sa le numere. Ei trebuie sa faca recensamant.(da asta e un alt topic).
Revenind la povestea noastra mi-am dat seama ca oamenii astia au disparut de pe net. Nu poti gasi nici biografie, nici fan club, nimic. Am cautat atunci Denisa, dar asta e un nume nu chiar asa de comun si am gasit o biografie, succinta intr-adevar, dar e o biografie.
Cu toate astea Respect pt Bursuc, impresar, el face cate o biografie artistilor sai. De exemplu Laura Vass, Bursuc a iesit si a dat un interviu macar numoare lumea proasta si stie ca nu trebuie sa mai astepte manele frumoase cantate de vocea ei suava.
Doavada faptului ca romanii nu au loialitate, ei nu au conceptul de fan club pt manelisti. Sa curga banul! Curge - existi, nu curge - n-ai valoare, ce mai conteaza. E pacat ca de multe ori in loc sa traim o simfonie, traim o manea, si cum s-au terminat dedicatiile am uitat cine ni le-a facut.
Iar cat despre mine, personal, mie imi place De-as putea
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Ultimate Frisbee & Rugby
Ultimate Frisbee & Rugby, just sport or a style of life?!
Many people out there don't even know what is Ultimate or Rugby. Many people don't even know that Ultimate has international tournaments and about Rugby they just think is all about kicking. well it might be about tackling. But NO!
Both of them are about the craic around the game. In this sports the environment is important as well and the lads around are gas men.
Ultimate is about socializing, being fare and dealing with with your own problems. In fact, in Frisbee are no Ref's. The players have to discuss the issues themselves and sort it out. That's what is meant by Fair-Play and Spirit of the Game. People are supposed to be people and to discuss their problems, to get to an agreement, to a common point where both players are happy.
Rugby reveals a style of life, and shows you that the life is tough, you fall, you crash but you always stand up and try to go forward. Everybody is relying on the others, in order to achieve something in this sport you have to have your guys behind you. What amazes me the most about this game is that for every inch forward the whole team has to get a foot back. Is not like other sports. You always have to pass back. You can't pass forward, you have to carry the ball forward.
One thing that drawn my attention to this sports compared to other sports where you just shoot and hope for the best, in this games you have to get the ball/disk in the end zone yourself. You can't just expect the ball or the disk to end up in the end zone. You have to DIY!
Many people out there don't even know what is Ultimate or Rugby. Many people don't even know that Ultimate has international tournaments and about Rugby they just think is all about kicking. well it might be about tackling. But NO!
Both of them are about the craic around the game. In this sports the environment is important as well and the lads around are gas men.
Ultimate is about socializing, being fare and dealing with with your own problems. In fact, in Frisbee are no Ref's. The players have to discuss the issues themselves and sort it out. That's what is meant by Fair-Play and Spirit of the Game. People are supposed to be people and to discuss their problems, to get to an agreement, to a common point where both players are happy.
Rugby reveals a style of life, and shows you that the life is tough, you fall, you crash but you always stand up and try to go forward. Everybody is relying on the others, in order to achieve something in this sport you have to have your guys behind you. What amazes me the most about this game is that for every inch forward the whole team has to get a foot back. Is not like other sports. You always have to pass back. You can't pass forward, you have to carry the ball forward.
One thing that drawn my attention to this sports compared to other sports where you just shoot and hope for the best, in this games you have to get the ball/disk in the end zone yourself. You can't just expect the ball or the disk to end up in the end zone. You have to DIY!
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