Saturday, February 23, 2013

the title

interesting the fact most people do, think, learn. exactly that order. do they know what they do? defnetly not! do I know What I write?... not really. Most of the time I can talk and talk, and I know what to speak without to say absolutly nothing. This time, is it any different? Of course not. I want to put something on epaper, i need my own space to spread my intelectual treasure. But i need to put it on a black expensive velvet, so it can show off its real value. Many people would....

Friday, February 22, 2013

doar o alta intrebare!

Cum exprimam noi tonalitatea in scriere intr-o societate unde nu mai avem virgula, punct iar ortografia si punctuatia par a fi nu doar irelaevante, ci chiar inexistente?
Si cum poate cineva sa inteleaga tonalitatea intr-o opera daca in anul intai de facultate are o citire incoerenta, mai slaba ca a unui elev inconstiincios in semestrul 2 in clasa a II-a?
Cand o sa pot si eu sa ii privesc pe toti in ochi si sa le pot spune adevarul cu dragoste sa ii pot indrepta fara ca interlocutorii mei sa se simta ofensati de actul meu incarcat cu o aura plina de intentii bune?