Friday, December 30, 2011

or maybe... I'm supposed to be like that!

I was starting to feel low for a while now for not fitting in any perfect employee pattern, but guess what?! I am supposed to be like that! This is me! I'm not like the others, I was different from the beginning, I was going from church to church, from religion to religion. I was making it pretty much from top to top almost all the time, and guess what. Regardless the denomination they all the same. But I bet that many that are in there for years don't know as much as I do. Well I love the individuals, they all cool. They are all different somehow, but all special.
Anyway it seems that is natural for some of us to have summer sessions, to fail exams, and hate to do accounting assignments. That's OK for some of us. Maybe we're just not made to be students, but we are supposed to be ENTREPRENEURS!
I remember myself making money out of food industry! I was selling fish since I was smaller than the bags I was carrying. I was stealing from farms and selling in the city. I was getting homework from others, but I was managing to pull it through. I was offering protection(I never got paid for it, bad business). I didn't have someone to tech me about it so I got scammed, but is all right, I'll be back to the top. Any way I want to share with you entrepreneur hearted two videos regarding the entrepreneurship and social-enterprising.

And as Diana said once: When everyone tells you that's impossible just turn around and say 'Watch me!'

Saturday, December 24, 2011

since there is no place to go... let it snow!

this past few days, it's been a hectic time, up and down, here and there, out and about, but in the same time nothing is happening. Out of all this things, I realized how small is the world, and how small Ireland is. I knew people that for 3 and 2 years, and i never knew that they are related. Quite weird, but I finally found out, over the side talk at a party.
I am a quite weird person or maybe, is not my type of party, or maybe it was that I had too much of responsibilities at that party, but I felt like it was too much for me. In fairness, I'd like to be able to attend a party where I have nothing to do but to enjoy myself, annoy the organizers and dance with the lights on.
Anyway, that is beyond the point I just want to wish ye this:
Merry Christmas!
Si pt ca e Craciun un colind aici!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Manele! Dar ce este in spatele lor?

Orice roaker borat stie o manea. This is a given. Nu ai cum sa traiesti in Romania, si sa nu auzi o manea. Daca nu stii manelele lui Sorinel, manele lui Guta, ale lui Salam, a Copilului de Aur, sigur stii Of Viata Mea - Costi Ionita si Adrian Minune. Asa ca sa nu aud ca nu asculta lumea manele. Toata lumea asculta.
O manea care se asculta foarte mult a fost a lui Florinel si Ioana Te iubesc oriunde ai fi, a avut mare succes si era in toate boxele, si ringtonurile de pe atunci. Dar de atunci nu prea tin minte sa fi scos ceva cu succes. Si chiar ma intrebam ce se intamplase cu ei. Si cand te intrebi ce se intampla cu cineva pe care il stii de obicei dai un pic pe Google, si vezi care este smekeria. E bun numa ca astia doi au o problema. Ii cheama Ioana si Florinel. Ei nu au nume de familie, nu au porecla care sa se adauge la numele lor nu au nici un punc de referinta, iar ca chestie Doamne cati Florini si Ioane sunt. Nici macar cei de la evidenta populatie nu stiu. Ei nu pot baga datele pe care le au intr-o pagina excel si sa le numere. Ei trebuie sa faca recensamant.(da asta e un alt topic).
Revenind la povestea noastra mi-am dat seama ca oamenii astia au disparut de pe net. Nu poti gasi nici biografie, nici fan club, nimic. Am cautat atunci Denisa, dar asta e un nume nu chiar asa de comun si am gasit o biografie, succinta intr-adevar, dar e o biografie.
Cu toate astea Respect pt Bursuc, impresar, el face cate o biografie artistilor sai. De exemplu Laura Vass, Bursuc a iesit si a dat un interviu macar numoare lumea proasta si stie ca nu trebuie sa mai astepte manele frumoase cantate de vocea ei suava.
Doavada faptului ca romanii nu au loialitate, ei nu au conceptul de fan club pt manelisti. Sa curga banul! Curge - existi, nu curge - n-ai valoare, ce mai conteaza. E pacat ca de multe ori in loc sa traim o simfonie, traim o manea, si cum s-au terminat dedicatiile am uitat cine ni le-a facut.
Iar cat despre mine, personal, mie imi place De-as putea

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ultimate Frisbee & Rugby

Ultimate Frisbee & Rugby, just sport or a style of life?!
Many people out there don't even know what is Ultimate or Rugby. Many people don't even know that Ultimate has international tournaments and about Rugby they just think is all about kicking. well it might be about tackling. But NO!
Both of them are about the craic around the game. In this sports the environment is important as well and the lads around are gas men.
Ultimate is about socializing, being fare and dealing with with your own problems. In fact, in Frisbee are no Ref's. The players have to discuss the issues themselves and sort it out. That's what is meant by Fair-Play and Spirit of the Game. People are supposed to be people and to discuss their problems, to get to an agreement, to a common point where both players are happy.
Rugby reveals a style of life, and shows you that the life is tough, you fall, you crash but you always stand up and try to go forward. Everybody is relying on the others, in order to achieve something in this sport you have to have your guys behind you. What amazes me the most about this game is that for every inch forward the whole team has to get a foot back. Is not like other sports. You always have to pass back. You can't pass forward, you have to carry the ball forward.
One thing that drawn my attention to this sports compared to other sports where you just shoot and hope for the best, in this games you have to get the ball/disk in the end zone yourself. You can't just expect the ball or the disk to end up in the end zone. You have to DIY!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Dupa postarea asta multi o sa fie printre aia care o sa se trezeasca sa comenteze ca a plecat de 3 ani jumate si gata, si-a uitat limba. NU! Nu am uitat de unde am plecat, si mai stiu sa vorbesc romaneste, chiar destul de bine as preciza eu. Si cu toate astea nu stiu ce este cuvantul "gen" sau cum se foloseste.
Am plecat acum cativa ani, dar pe vremea mea, nu era curentul "gen", ci aveam expresiile "fratie", am mai auzit de la bucuresteni "dute tare pe burta cu fata-n sus", da nimic de genul unui cuvant pus aleatoriu intr-o (apropo ce au facut cu "intr-o", "intr-un", le-au schimbat?) propozitie doar de fantezie. Nici macar nu m-am prins cum se foloseste, ca interjectie, ca apozitie? Habar nu am, si nici nu inteleg morala, sensul sau intelesul lui.
Si ma gandesc... de s-o gasi un poet mai futurist, si o pune la vrajeala "gen" in poezia lui, care e functia sintactica a cuvantului gen? Cuvant pus intr-aiurea?
Eu ma bucur ca nu trebuie sa imi alterez limba, sau sa mai studiez vreun geniu, da totusi m-ar interesa si pe mine care e treaba cu cuvantul asta.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Pe principiu "e usor pe hartie versuri a pune, cand nu ai nimic a spune" eu postez pe blogu'mi. Adica eu nu mai prind urmatorul 11.11.11 iar ce mi se pare interesant lumea iar a crezut ca azi o sa fie Apocalipsa, Egiptenii au inchis accesul la piramide si altii isi tin ritualurile sus in deal.:))
Bineinteles ca fiecare e liber sa creada ce vrea, dar cat despre mine, nici nu mi-am dat seama ca a fost 11.11.11 pt ca am bagat 8 ore de curs, plus stres, plus altele.
De fapt daca stau sa ma gandesc bine, eu azi la baschet nu am pierdut nici un meci! Cine stie care cauza?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mecanic de casa

Acest post este dedicat tuturor mecanicilor care isi repara masina acasa. Am gasit un tip din State foarte dragut si care raspunde la multe intrebari legate de mecanica. sau pe il puteti vedea si pe Youtube.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Banii n-aduc fericirea...

spune o vorba romaneasca, dar cu siguranta o intretin, si creaza ambianta propice incuibarii ei. Chiar daca traim, si credem in Dumnezeu, intre timp traim cu sfintii, si nu ne putem ascunde de acest adevar irefutabil, prezent in societatea cotidiana, in care un suflet de copil e sacrificat la pretul unei bucati de rugina. Si intr-adevar, la atata lipsa de sesibilitate nici nu ma astep la altceva, dar cand vezi clericii, ca renunta sa lupte pentru un eveniment, pur caritabil, in Seara de Halloween, hranind sufletul celor mici cu divinitate, si aparandu-i de ocultismul fanatic dar inocent in acelasi timp al unei societatii in depravare intelectula si morala, hranita cu amintirile Tigrului Celtic ce a adormit, odata cu criza financiara si nu pare a se trezi prea devreme din somnul cel de moarte.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


We say that is easier to go to college when you younger, but I'm not sure this is true. I don't even know how many times I said that I gonna attend all classes but I never managed to do that for more than a week, while you look at the older guys. They are brilian. They always show up on time, pay attention and take notes. Even more they ask, not only questions, but right questions. While the young ones are in college during the day, just to sort where to go in the evening.
Me no, I actually go to class all time, but I feel weired when I do that.

PS: "pentru a nu stiu cata oara, am zis ca e ultima oara"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Opportunity Scarcity

Since ever, people are known for their desire to be different, to have something unique that makes tham differentor any other version of this, but just to be different. One of the ways to be different is to take control of the opportunities that arise around the man. The problem is that even though the right to equality is garanteed by Human Rights, I'd like to add to it the fact that some are surounded by so many opportunities and some are surounded by so few opportunities. Interesting is to follow the fact that the more opportunities are available the less are to be picked due to the false impresion of convinience created in reaching those opportunities. On the other hand side, the fellows with less opportunities know that is vitaly for them to grab every opportunity arises, as that is the only way they can see in order to move on to a new level.
That's why some of us have the chance to do some things, but we never do. I know that I can lose weight any time, I never did it though. Last year I knew that the societies, sport clubs etc. were available for me in college so I never bothered to grab my own opportunity. 2011 is different. I decided that I will do lots of stuff, so I am pushing myself towards the edges in order to achieve as much as possible.
I love living on the edge! Otherwise I would take to much space.

Monday, September 26, 2011

College and Politics

Many people don't want to get involved in politics, so most of them decide to do nothing about it. Well in college as a student you might have the opportunity to get involved in a political society talk shite, solve nothing and lose the belief in the democracy. But with stupefaction, last week I found out that we as students are involved in politics more than we can believe.
It seems that our attendance to class is exactly same as attendance in Romanian government, very poor. So this is a politics debate among the university heads, and it comes down to the head of our faculty , then on the head of the course and it gives an political opportunity to close the course, fire some lecturers and eventually save some money for the Uni's budget.
Than the head brought down the problem to our class, to see how can we fix the problem, in order to be in good terms with everyone. But the thing is, it only affects the course as regarding the next year fresheners, we still finish our course, and we still can get a Bach in Int Commerce with Spanish and we still have the Erasmus. We just have to make sure we get it, even if we don't attend class.
Of course I go to class for personal reasons. It's easier to learn Spanish if you attend classes but politically looking at it, it's just a matter of choice if I want to help the next generation and save maybe a few jobs.
Any way I deliberately get involved in politics, at the moment as Class Rep for Marketing and funny case of Vice Class Rep for Spanish.

Monday, May 16, 2011


A venit vacanta u ferry din Franta, da' a adus examene, si le-am termiant si pe alea si amu sunt in vacanta maxima!
Am vazut si PDL-ul, am vazut si pe celel 3 maimute de la USL, da azi nu comentez, pt ca sunt prea bine dispus. Oricum e bine ca Romania a iesit din recesiune.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

what you want?

Nu am mai scris de un timp incoace pt ca am fost bizi, pt ca nu am gasit stiri destul de interesante de comentat si pentru ca am examene.
Printre atatea stiri pe lume, una din stirile interesante mi se pare moartea lui Osama. Nu ca as sustine terorismul, dar vreau sa zic ca nu mi-s de acord cu americanii, care in numele "Binelui", salveaza cativa protestanti, dar omoara civili pasnici in numele petrolului. La urma urmei, Bin Laden a vrut doar ca Americanii sa nu ii mai pangareasca tara, actiunile sale de la 9/11 fiind doar un raspuns platonic la invazia americana. O stire legata tot de Osama Bin Laden, e tipul din state care in 24 de ore a facut $120000 din vanzarea tricourilor cu tero mort. Dupa aceasta ucidere, stiti ce ii diferentiaza pe americani de teroristi (bagabonti sau mafioti)? Va spun eu! FIX NIMIC. Pt ca, daca ar fii vrut sa demonstreze ceva, l-ar fi judecat, condamnat, executat.
Dar revenind la oile mele mioritice, pe plaiuri celtice, am tot avut examene. Azi am ultimul la spaniola. Ei in loc sa ma trimita in Spania, sa invat si eu cum trebuie spaniola, ei maa tin cu examene, parca eu vorbesc pe foaie, eu vorbesc cu gura. Am facut bine la oral? pai atunci sa ma trimita in Spania.
Cu toate ca imi desfasor activitatile blazante cotidiene in Irlanda, I'm asking Government BOC sa bata pasul de mars si sa faca rost de viza Schengen, ca de la intai sa o tai in Spania pe vara sa muncesc si sa aprender mas espagnol.
Nu uitati! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gaddafi Wanted

After this moring post, while I was still reading about different topics, I found that the UK is going for Gadafi. They want to murderr him.
Source Daily Mail

from a simple revolution to WW3?

As many other people that don't usually watch the news, because they all stuffed with bad information, I am interested in Japan's and Libyan evolution, regarding the World condition.
I like Japan because in just a few days they started to fix roads, big style! and still they have the power to come up front and release results of some whatever analysis and say that that Romania will be the last country (ultima gâsca) in Europe for 15 years.
Check this! You don't need to understand what is written, just play the video!
The most interesting at the moment is Libya. I mean they had a revolution, with no involvement in whatsoever external country, and in my opinion, I think the Americans just saw an opportunity how to access some of the petrol and some of Gaddafi's accounts that are filled with 30 billions(according to But of course they want to help the people, not to destroy the country, and then to send their own investors to set up new companies with the headquarter in States. No! of course not!
I was reading the news, and they statedd that there have been killed 95 people by the Government forces, my wonder is how many people will be killed by the western armies.
I find it interesting, after one of the Gaddafi's buildings was destroyed, William Gortney declared that they didn't target it, they just fallowed the Resolution. Well, then, if they didn't target the building, then they either lie or they just randomly destroy buildings, with innocent people. Just check the third video on the SkyNews page. Is interesting the fact that the occidental powers declared that they don't target people, and they don't have Gaddafi's death as a goal, then what they fight for and against who?
It would be interesting to see if Gaddafi was just scared and tried to inspire fear or he was seriously talking about Osama Bin Laden.
I would really like to see the fire ceasing in Libya, regardless the source and the reason.
In the end I'd like to quote the Americans:
"In God we trust!".

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Check this blog, you might find it interesting

kids have fun! do they?

I was walking today by a group of kid, they were supposed to play or have fun, but no! they were staying in a circle, rolling a ball around, trying to get as bored as they could get.
It reminded me of my granny. She was always telling me that she had more fun as a kid than we (me & my bro) had.I never understood her, until today. I could see the image that she was describing me.
In my opinion, the tragedy is created by the age difference. My granny was talking about a childhood spent 4 decades before my childhood, while the kids I saw are only 10 years(and maybe not even) younger than me, and they seem to have already forgotten how to enjoy childhood.
I really would like to see again kids playing soccer, lap tennis, make noise and disturb the elders. But no, parents are teaching children to be nice, to behave themselves, to come home clean and so on. Of course, every child has to know all this, but the parents as well should know that there is a time for that. Is called Sunday Morning.
I remember myself, regardless what church it was, every Sunday, I would wake up and go to Church, be nice to the others, behave myself, come back home clean and so on.
When ever you see me acting in an inappropriate way, you should know that my parents actually did a great job, it's only me refusing to mature.


Imi aduc aminte cand,
Ii faceam la mata vant.
Cum zbura ca pasarea,
Da chica ca mazare,
De pe casa-n jos.....
Si daca mata mai traia,
Si daca mai putea mergea,
Noi de codita moale,
Legam c-o sarma tare,
Si tot era frumos,frumos....
Mama meu tata meu,
Nu ma bateti,
Nu-s de vina eu!
Eu cred ca mata singura vrea,
Sa se-nvete a zbura!
Cred ca fratele jos,
Trebuia s-o prinda,
Dar n-o fost...
Si mata cand ne vede,
Nici amu nu-i vine-a crede,
Ca asa ceva a fost...
Unde-s Doamne zilele,
Cand ne scaldam cu cainele?
Cainele la suprafata voia,
Dar noi cu ata,
Il mai tineam sub val...
Si cainele facea "bal-bal"
Dar noi radeam ca cei nebuni.
Si de sub apa verdica,
Cand vedeam ca nu se vede....
Noi il scoteam la mal,la mal...
Mama meu,tata meu,
Nu ma bateti,
Nu-s de vina eu!
Eu cred ca cainele singur vreia,
Sa se-nvete a-nota...
Cred ca fratele-o vrut,
Sa-l scoata la mal,
De n-o putut.....
Si cand cainele ne vede,
Nici amu nu-i vïne-a crede,
Cata apa a baut!

Versuri Imi aduc aminte cand - Planeta moldova
de pe

Off topic
Iar cat despre cei de la vad ca au un lapsus. Au urlat in gura mare promisiuni cum ca daca le tinem banerul pe bloguri, o sa fim cu totii la pagina cu parteneri. Nush cum se face, da' eu ieri nu ca nu am vazut listat blogul meu la ei pe site, da nu am gasit pagina cu parteneri.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011





Monday, March 14, 2011


We always try to do what we like and I always try to avoid doing what I don't like, but either way, we have to do something, otherwise, the projects on the due time, are undone. I am glad I can do something for the team and I like when I am useful for the team but there are times when we have to handle the projects alone. Let's take as a case study Cristian and his life.
Cristian has to do all the parts in his project, Life, and has to have it ready on time. The downside of this project is that he cannot cheat, plagiarize, buy the project on the e-bay or ask a friend to do it for him. He got the basic instructions before leaving earth, but is all up to him regarding the format, content, consistency, and volume of the project.
Well... it's just a thought, but make sure you hand in the project on time!

Off topic P.S.
Ce isi face omul cu mana lui, lucru manual se numeste.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

results trial E52

as the most of you know usually a phone trial presents the phone itself.
well, today E52 is just a representative of the smartphones and 1208 represents the prdinary phones. I am emphasising the day by day aspects of the life with a phone.
As we know the phone seems to be a necessary evil, but as we all know we might be able to choose wich is the worst and wich is the best evil.
Well I got a Nokia E52 and the only comment I gonna' make is that is very, very, very slow, it actualy is; otherwise sounds. The thing about smart phones they keep you en vent, they keep you in touch and they keep you on line, especially if you have wi-fi coverege, like we do in NUIG. I figgered out that i don't need to use the bluetooth phone kit fitted in the car, but you can connect it through the casset adaptor;). It has a good battery life, so you don't have to worry all day about it.
The only bad thing about it is that I don't actually need it, and I figgered out that I wasted a lot of time. I do remember only a few things from economics, I was facebooking. and same story for many other things. So i decided that the nokia 1208 is actually better for me.
I don't like the memory shortage on 1208, and the fact that it stores only 20 calls in the call history. and i often loose numbers because of that, but otherwise it sounds for me.
well... what's my advice?
what to buy?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

E52 trial

almost there. I am testibng the life with an E52 and by the end of the week i'll get the results for it

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Rochii de mireasa

Printre atata politica si campanie electorala irlandeza, economie neoclasica si birocratie romaneasca, zilele astea am vazut un nou site unde se pot achizitiona rochii de mireasa la preturi competitive si care scapa de stresul de a cauta la infinit acea rochie perfecta in care mireasa sa straluceasca la propriai nunta.
Check out
Si de asemenea pe facebook: 'Rochii Mireasa'.
Rochia de mireasa e acum mai usor de gasit;)