Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Just,... whatever... you're not worthed!

And when you keep talking just to fill the silence gap, without to actually  edify someone, but to even attack someone and just to prove that you are the good one and you are always right, would you actually feel any better? Can you even look at yourself then. How despicable you must be to actually accuse someone whk is defenseless, and has no way to ask for it. Does that make you big, strong, an example to follow? I personally can't accept that in my own belief system, or in any other belief that claims to be well established. I really believe that anyone can be full of bull, blame someone who cannot defend themselves and look good  for the time being, but definitely the day will come when you'll have to bow down. Or there is another option, give up the shit you ride on, grow a pair and stand the bitch fest that might come against you, join it and not only that you make a stand for yourself, but you gain respect, you earn it. You don't have to beg for it anymore. You don't need to be like one of my teachers, but you can be like one of my brother's techers. You can boldly introduce yourself without begging for some respect out of pity,  introducing yourself using the term "ms". Never mind the rest, stand up when everyone is sitting down, speak up when everyone else is having their own pity party, deal with it when everyone else is bitching about it. Be you, be yourself. Even if you're bad at being yourself, you're still the best! No one can do it better than yourself.

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