Wednesday, December 4, 2013

de ce?

De ce nu poate sa fie simplu la mine? De ce trebuie sa fie asteptari mari de la mine? De ce nu pot fi eu insumi cand vreausa fiu eu? De ce atunci cand sunt dispus sa ma schimb e prea tarziu? De ce nu pot accepta realitatea asa cum este? De ce prefer eu sa aleg realitatea diferit de ceilalti? DE CE?
E interesant ca toti te iubesc cand le spui de cum e sa fii diferit, de cum e sa vezi realitatea in modul tau unic. Apoi incep sa te cunoasca, incep sa isi dea seama ca si tu esti om, esti predispuis greselilor, imperfectiunilor, slabiciunilor si poti fi o dezamagire pentru toti ceilalti. Si atunci nu mai intelege lumea, cum poti tu sa vezi realitatea diferit si sa fii o dezamagire, cum poti sa nu fii perfect... Dar... am anuntat pe toti de la inceput ca nu sunt perfect. nu a vrut nimeni sa ma asculte!
Long story short, I might be too Irish! I enjoy too much the small talk at the shop when you buy diesel. The talk about weather with a stranger was perfect normal for me! To compliment someone just to make them smile, was something normal till the moment I discovered people I love can be hurt by it! I think this is Irish as well, hurt people you love the most, without to want though... The worst, NO ONE believes you! I would go back in time to show, to prove a point or just to change for the better of those that I love, but guess what? It can't be done!
Is weird! I need 2 languages to express myself! why? maybe cause I can't adapt to any of the cultures... I can't be like the rest... regardless if I try... my very nature does not let me be someone's copy. I chose to be me! One day, the loved ones might understand me, I never wanted to hurt you!
Toate parerile celorlalti de nu imi stau aproape sau a celor ce nu ma stiu, sunt pur si simplu galagie aglomerata in cotidian! Iar cei ce conteaza, pe care ii iubesc, refuza sa ma mai accepte!

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